Friday, 2 January 2009

New Year.....New Goal

Happy New Year everyone!!

After a lot of thought, I've decided to review my WW goals for the coming months. Notice that I've deliberately not mentioned the coming year because as far as I'm concerned that is just too long to even comprehend and at the moment I need to take every day and every week as it comes.

So, for the near future I pledge to........1. Write down or point everything I eat to the best of my memory which means that I will take a diary with me everywhere I go and write it all down as soon as possible.

2. Stay within my allocated points on a daily basis and that includes during special occasions. I will no longer use nights out on the town/weddings/funerals/birthdays etc as an excuse to over eat.

3. I will drink two litres of water EVERY day! If that means that I gotta carry around a two litre bottle of water with me everywhere I go then so be it! And if that also means that I'm dashing to the toilet nine times a day, then that's what I'm going to have to do.

4. Ensure that I go to a WW meeting every week and if time permitting stay for the meeting no matter how happy or sad I am will just have to wait while I do something for myself.

5. And lastly, I'm going to give up chocolate for the next three months! Possibly 12 months!! I know this is a big one to deal with but I have done it before and I survived to tell the story so I'm sure I can do it again.

I know this is all very scary for me becuase I'm sitting here with a churning stomach wandering to am I going to cope, but I'm a strong person and I know that the goals I have set are realistic and achievable.

I have to do this for myself if I'm going to achieve my ultimate goal of loosing weight this year!!

1 comment:

Dani said...

Okay, dashing to the toilet after drinking so much water gives you activity points!! It's a win-win situation! Also, giving up chocolate--you are a braver woman than me!