Friday, 28 November 2008

Men.....why are they such creeps???

I separated from my OH many, many months ago and since then I have tried my best to get out there and try the dating scene. Boy it's hard! And it's even harder when you're my size!!

A few months after we split, I joined one of those dating websites and plastered my profile on there for everyone to scrutinise. After a few weeks of checking other peoples' profiles and being checked out myself, I finally started going on a few dates.

As a whole, the guys were generally nice, although I did come across the occasional weirdo. I even meet two or three guys for casual drinks however it just didn't seem to work out other than friends and so I let the whole dating thing slip to one side.

However, recently I've decided to start checking out the 'available stock' on this dating website again and started going through the process of emailing/texting a couple of guys who 'winked' at me through this website.

Anyway, one particular guy seemed very nice and so we started texting a lot more and making plans to meet up. However, this morning the issue of weight came up due to some comment I had made about not going to the gym this morning when I really should have because I need all the help I can get.

Cutting a very long story short, this guy thought it was appropiate to bluntly ask me what size I am and so I gave a vague description to which he replied wanting specifics such as dress size. So I thought I'd be honest and tell him, because surely by now he could tell that I'm a nice person and worth meeting (at least once). But no.....this guy had the audacity to text back saying that he's sorry but I'm just too big for him and he wishes me well in life.

Needless to say, I texted back saying that it was his loss not mine as I wouldn't want someone in my life who couldn't see past my (temporary) size and see the real me and see how nice a person I am.

MEN aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Where are the decent one?? Where are they hiding??

So in the end, I've deleted him from my phone which makes me feel a little bit better and I've also decided to stop using that website as it's not good for my self confidence. Plus I've now got this pent up anger which I can take out on the boxing bag in the I have something to thank him for, in a weird kind of way!!

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