Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Going down hill.....and quickly

It's funny how the mind works......

I was a little stressed out yesterday! Or should I really say that I was in a mad panic!! Leading up to Christmas use to be a relaxing time for me, however over the years it has become more and more difficult.

In the past, I would have purchased my Christmas cards/wrapping paper during the Boxing Day sales the year before which gave me plenty of time to buy everyone's present during the coming sales and write all my cards at my leisure, so that they were ready to post on 1st December.

However over the past two-three years, Christmas has slowly but surely become a nightmare whereby I'm madly buying presents for close relatives overseas only a week or two before Christmas.....clearly I'v missed the posting cut off date. And even though I madly wrapped my Mum's presents last night, when I took them to the post office today, I was already too late as the guaranteed delivery date before Christmas was the 5th December. So now my poor Mum won't even get her presents in time, even though I thought I was doing the right thing.

Needless to say, my eating habits completely went out the window last night and I quitely crawled back to my old favourite.......comfort food! I have a sweet tooth anyway, but white bread and butter is my comfort.

You think to yourself that it not such a bad thing, a piece of toast doesn't hurt anyone. But that's not me......I don't just stop at one piece of bread......six or seven slices later with lashings of butter....now that's more like it.

So what now is the question? What's done is done and I can't take any of it back and I still have half a loaf of bread sitting waiting for me at home.......I'll have to let you know tomorrow what happens......

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