Thursday 14 January 2010

Happy New Year…’s hoping it’s a happier one!

I could mull over past events of 2009, but there is really no point.

Moving forward there are two things that I desperately want to do……Get rid of any debt and loose some more weight!

First thing first….the debt. This is an accumulation of buying a new car, spending more than I earn and a big expensive holiday on credit cards.

Unfortunately my house was robbed at the end of last year and now I’m going through the process of dealing with the insurance claim for the stolen items. I have asked to be settled on a cash basis for the jewellery and other items as I would like to put this towards paying off the credit card debt. However, at the rate they are taking to process the claim I could be waiting a while.

Next on the agenda is to loose some weigh. This has been an ongoing battle with me for sometime now and will continue to be until the bitter end. I tend to go through stages of being really sensible with my food and then other times I go completely off the rails and eat whatever I like in whatever quantities.

So for the new year I’m going to go back to WW and start counting points, watching what I eat, when, why and so on. Plus I’m going to have to motivate myself into doing some form of exercise which is easier said than done considering I have made no allowances for gym membership, WW membership or any other form of paid exercise. However, I do have a Wii fit at home and am going to set that up so that I can use it tomorrow morning……I’ll let you know what happens!

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