Monday, 8 June 2009

Going AWOL.....

Well, I am finally back in the land of the living.

I disappeared for a number of reasons which are all the usual suspects.....stressed, being over tired, sick, problems at home and/or work. I really went off the tracks there for a while in terms of eating and lack of exercise. I even slipped with my 'Rules' which was not good!!

But here I am, back on track and back on blogging. I'm in a good place at the moment, although I'll be honest....not in a perfect place, but then again who ever is?!

I was very sick there for a while and went completely off track......boy doesn't it show by the ups and downs on the scales!! Even though I continued to attend WW meetings, my heart really wasn't in it. However, that has all changed (again) and I'm back to writing everything down in my diary, exercising regularly, staying for the WW meeting with a positive attitude and I owe all this to my new exercise buddy Di. Without Di's help over the last two weeks, I would still be struggling to get back on track.

It all came to a head about three weeks ago when I gained another 2 1/2 pounds! So I decided then and there that I had to make a fresh start. Over the coming week, I was meant to be staying at my friend Emma's house to look after her cat, Molly. Thankfully Emma never has any food in her house, so I went shopping on a full stomach and bought lots of healthy fruits and veg.

I also agreed with my WW leader that I had to write in my diary, otherwise I would do sit ups in front of th whole class.......needless to say, I wrote in my diary.

The following week (after another slight gain) Di and I agreed to meet up for some friendly exercise. We agreed to start off with swimming on Saturday morning, which turned into cycling on Sunday afternoon, which turned into a Yoga class on Tuesday evening.

It worked out well for both of us as Di lost a pound and a half both weeks and I lost five and a half pounds the first week and another two pounds the second week.

Unfortunately I am sick again this week and have not been eating properly nor exercising I'll have to let you know how I go on Thursday's weigh in. But in the meantime, I'm writing down my food intake into my diary and when I'm not feeling too bad, I have been doing some light exercise like walking or cycling.

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