Friday 26 June 2009

Not a happy camper........

I know I wasn't exactly the model WW participate, but I tried harder than the week before and all I got from it when I stepped on those scales is......I stayed the same weight. Not happy! Clearly, I just need to try harder this week and stick within my points like me life depends on it.

Changing the subject a little, I emailed a lovely lady who is also participating in a WW challenge like me. Unfortunately, I'm currently around 20 something pounds down, however this lady has reached the 50 pounds mark!! Which is just amazing!! So I thought, I would email her for some inspiration and amongst other things, this is what she said.......

I just stick to the points/calories and try to do as much exercise as possible. Sometimes that means lots (for example over Saturday and Sunday last week I walked for about 16 miles) and sometimes it means none at all! I do notice that if I exercise regularly I lose much more weight than when I do nothing. I have got myself a treadmill and I'm trying to use that for at least half an hour a day, although I don't actually succeed at that all the time. I also started off by doing the wii fit and now I have the wii EA Active, which I really like and then I also got some dumbbells and kettle bells which I use a couple of times a week too. Probably more important is that if I have a bad day or a bad few days I don't give up , which is what I've always done in the past. I'm trying to take a long term view of it rather than thinking I must lose 2lbs this week. I know that if I fail to meet targets I've set myself I then I will just give up totally. So I just try to think, in the long term what does it matter if I haven't lost this week or if I have put on a little because I know I have the tools to take it off again or to get there in the end.The other things that have helped are:

1. Keeping a daily journal. I always weigh myself everyday - I know you shouldn't but I like knowing where I am at and also I know my body weight fluctuates so again it keeps the increases I sometimes have in proportion. I also write down my exercise and my measurements in there too. I find it really inspiring to look at my measurements page and see that I have lost over 9 inches from each of my bust, waist and hips! I stick photos and motivational sayings in there and also bits of articles I read in magazines that I have found interesting or useful.

2. I also have a blog, which I don't always do regularly, but it's good to do from time to time.

3. I joined as it has loads of information, exercise videos etc and the people on there are lovely.

4. I joined four long term challenges which I found through the ww boards, so there is Paul's one, Size 12 for New Years Eve 2009 and then two which are done through email. I have found that the discipline of telling people how I have done on those has helped.

5. I cook an extra portion of my dinner every evening and take it to work for lunch the next day (Lunch has always been my downfall).

6. I try out new recipes and try to vary what I eat as I can sometimes get into a rut. I've also tried to make "thin" versions of all my old favourites I must say though that I haven't quite managed to find a good substitute for macaroni cheese made with loads and loads of mature cheddar and Jacket potato with butter - but I guess I can live without it!I guess for me the most important thing has been changes I've made in my head. For example the day before yesterday I decided I wanted a Chinese takeaway for the first time since I started the diet and instead of ordering my old usual favourites I looked at the menu and tried to make sensible choices and then when it arrived I ate a quarter of the amount I would have used to and that was enough.

I think I've started to get things into perspective and I hope some of that helps. there you go. Some inspiration for us all!!

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